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Nadeshiko Women's Clinic
押尾祥子 助産師 看護学博士
Sachiko Oshio CNM ARNP PhD
Nadeshiko Women's Clinic is providing a personalized healthcare for women throughout the lifecycle.
妊婦健診: 妊娠の診断から、妊娠後期32週まで日本語で診察します。
Prenatal Care: Mostly for Japanese speaking patients. I will provide personalized prenatal care up to 32 wks.
Lactation support: Painful latch, increasing supply, mastitis.
婦人科検診: 子宮頸がんの検査、マンモグラムのオーダーなどを行います。
Annual women's examination
不妊症の相談・検査: なかなか妊娠しない場合に、相談にのります。
Fertility counseling: Start from here before going to the specialist.
更年期相談: 更年期症状の診察、治療をします。
Menpausal concern: Diagnosis, life style advice, hormone and other appropriate prescriptions.
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